Activate your community of clients, members, volunteers, partners and beneficiaries! Receive effective resources, open source tools, methods, and frameworks to develop your business with an authentic and ethical marketing strategy.

Do you want to develop your project and grow a community around it?

I offer a tailor-made support to give you the tools and methods to successfully develop your business or project in line with your ethics and values. This support will enable you to:

  • Create and coordinate collectives and communities of volunteers for your nature related activities
  • Define and implement an ethical marketing strategy aligned with your identity and values
  • Implement appropriate free and open source marketing tools to develop a community around your project including website, CRM, community management tool...
  • Transform your organization to align its mission and practices with ethical principles in harmony with the living world
  • Create and activate communities of clients and partners to develop sustainable coherent practices and improve your impact (locally and internationally)

Enjoy a support program tailored to your needs

I help entrepreneurs set up sustainable practices and activities that are more respectful of living beings, contributing to a more harmonious, free and fair world. I work with free and open source tools, alternative currencies, and solutions aligned with natural laws. I draw on methods inspired by Nature, such as the Permaentreprise model developed by Sylvain Breuzard, and I create my own methods aligned with my values and vision.

Would you like to deploy these tools and methods for your business or project? As a first step, I offer a free 45-minutes appointment to take stock of your project and to share some initial useful advice. If you feel the call to continue the coaching, we can discuss the modalities during this appointment.

Business Owner

Entrepreneur en solo ou en équipe, en herbe ou expérimenté, souhaitant engager sa communauté de clients et de partenaires pour améliorer son impact sur son écosystème

Non-profit Organisation

Membre, bénévole ou employé, d’une association ou d’un collectif, souhaitant trouver les moyens d’activer sa communauté et engager des projets collectifs avec les bons outils et processus


Particulier souhaitant accompagner son entourage (voisins, famille, amis, …) dans des pratiques plus respectueuses de la nature au travers d’activités collectives: jardin partagé, compost collectif, challenge zéro déchet

About Me

My name is Sophie Misson. I am an activator of communities for the planet, and I support entrepreneurs and community organizers in the development of their activities to take care of people and the Nature. I created the podcast Ma Puce à l’Oreille to share my discoveries, my insights, my experiences, my tools and find solutions to make the world more harmonious, vibrant and free.

From a very early age, I was already interested in environmental issues and the place of nature in our lives and in our society. Being from a 3-generation mining family (sand and gravel quarries), I'm well aware of the abundance of resources the earth has to offer, and of their limits. I can also see how economic motivations could be distancing us from a harmonious relationship with this nourishing earth. My mission is to reconcile human activity with the natural balance, and to show that we can be stewards of the earth while enjoying the abundance that nature gifts us with.

For several years, I supported French companies in their international development, mainly from the environmental industry, focusing on the economic expansion of their business. I felt that this purely economic approach was incomplete and that it was necessary to develop a more global approach. I then co-founded a collective of committed employees within the company I worked for (Business France), to align our organization's practices and strategy with environmental and societal issues.

In the mean time, I've been active since 2014 in associative circles, and wherever I live or have lived (France, United States), I create and/or activate collectives around zero-waste practices, community gardens, collective composts, neighborhood associations, alternative currency (G1 free currency), digital independence via open source tools, collectives for freedom and sovereignty, etc.

Ready to start your journey with me?

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